
Password Policies with DSfW

The /etc/opt/novell/xad/xad.ini file has the setting to determine if password policies are controlled by the GPO or Novell password policies. XADRETAINPOLICIES =no will use the GPO, XADRETAINPOLICIES = yes can me managed with iManager

How to Join a workstation to a DSfW domain

Joining a workstation to a DSfW domain is the same as joining to an AD domain.
Be sure the workstation’s time is insync with the server and can resolve the domain with nslookup


Prepare and Install Novell’s Domain Services for Windows

TID 7002172 provides steps to follow to ensure a successful install.

Start with a clean install, eDirectory can not be installed on the server prior to installing DSfW.
Be sure the /etc/hosts has the server name and domain name you want for the name of your domain.
List the DSfW server as the first DNS server in the /etc/resolv.conf
If you removed DSfW and are installing again, be sure to follow TID 7005431 to properly clean up the tree.




