
supportconfig updated with DSfW information

A great tool to get essential information on a server is supportconfig.  It comes with SLES/OES and the latest set of patches has the DSfW information in the tool.

If you have a SR opened with support you can get the supportconfig analyzed by running supportconfig -ur $srnum; where $srnum is your 11 digit service request number.  A html report will be given which will list Critical, Warning, and Recommended messages.  Some will have TIDs and/or videos to apply to fix the issue.  Some will list a rpm to apply.

Another option to return just DSfW and OES information in the /root directory is to run:
supportconfig -kt /root -i OES,DSFW

This will not upload to Novell to have the supportconfig analyzed.  It is the ray files to look at.


With this DSfW piece in the new supportconfig, specific to DSfW is exporting… Continue reading
